Why power of compounding is 8th Wonder of the World!

Many investors wonder how mutual fund returns are achieved and the role the power of compounding plays in creating wealth. This simple yet powerful principle, often called the 8th wonder of the world, helps investments grow exponentially over time. To understand its impact on long-term financial success, let’s begin with a story.
Start Small, Grow Big: SIP Benefits & Power of Compounding

According to a popular saying, being early to bed and rise makes one healthy, wealthy and wise. But it’s not just waking up early that’s good; in many aspects, being early has its own advantages. Why should it be any different for investing? One popular way of building Wealth over a long period of investing is by investing in Mutual Funds through the Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) route.
Financial Radiance completes 4 years – A perspective

Financial Radiance completes 4 years – A perspective 2020 would be a year that would not be easily forgotten by anyone. The year would be known for the pandemic – Covid 19 which spread all over the World. Enough has been written about it in the media, so I will not focus on it. In […]
3 Years helping clients achieve financial goals

3 Years helping clients achieve financial goals I completed yet another vibrant year, my third at Financial Radiance on 1st December, 2019. The mission I started in 2016, with the vision of helping my clients globally achive financial freedom. While I had described my second year as a roller coaster ride, this year was with even […]
Debt trap: 4 warning signals to check if we are falling into it

Debt Trap: Is being minimalist the only option? More and more people are falling into debt trap now. Many people are frequently seeking the help of professionals who can get them out of the debt trap. Whether we switch on the television, read the newspaper or surf the internet, someone somewhere is always selling something […]
Personalized financial advice: 6 reasons why it is different

Why is financial advice personalized? Last week, I had written a blog on why we need a financial planner. This week, it is a follow-up on the same topic wherein I present my thoughts on why financial advice is personalized and why one size does not fit all. Financial illiteracy in schools and colleges: This […]
3 reasons why personal finance for women is critical

3 reasons why personal finance for women is critical My write up today has been prioritized and is being published out-of-turn (though definitely not out of place) since we have International Women’s day coming up on 8th March. One would argue why does it need a dedicated separate section in personal finance. I think it […]
Success Story: IFA in Hyderabad after 21 years corporate experience

Success Story: Becoming an IFA after 21 years experience My Success Story posted at https://www.masterstrokeonline.com/success-story/small-city-big-vision I am a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). After working for over 21 years for companies like ICICI & Franklin Templeton, I decided to follow my passion and became an IFA in Dec 2016. It has been a great journey since I […]
6 logical ways to increase net worth

Boosting Your Financial Net Worth In one of my previous blogs, I mentioned about ways in which we can stop living a life paycheck to paycheck. One component to do so is how we smartly manage our assets and income. This can be tracked by our networth which is simply the total of all your […]
Debt in retirement? 5 options to consider if you end up with it

Debt in Retirement – Liability Management Retirement? How often we wish to have a retired life, free from all tensions and work pressures. Some have a vision of relaxing on a beach, travelling all over the World or simply relaxing with a coffee in hand! Some want to do social work for which they were […]
Living a life paycheck to paycheck?

Living a life paycheck to paycheck – Financial Planning Moving away from comfort zone I have been asked this question a number of times since I left the corporate life – Why did I leave a cushion high paying job to start on my own with an unpredictable income stream and so much uncertainty considering […]