
Financial Radiance is engaged in the distribution of Mutual fund products. We, therefore, earn our commission as a product distributor from the Asset Management Companies (AMCs). We do not have any other source of income for the mutual fund distribution services which we provide to our clients. Kindly note that the founder of Financial Radiance is an AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor and is not a SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (RIA). ARN-117902 is valid till 18-Nov-2025 and ARN-263267 is valid till 1-Nov-2025.

However, incidental to our services, we also provide add on services such as Insurance advisory, taxation advice, and other services. We also provide an App to all our clients so that they can track their portfolio, as and when needed, and also have access to various valuation and capital gains/losses reports. We do not charge any extra fees for the same (as per current regulations, since we earn distribution commission, we are not allowed to charge fees).

We believe in transparency and clear disclosure of our earnings for the understanding of our clients. As per circular from SEBI vide SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2018/137 dated October 22, 2018, MFs/AMCs shall adopt full trail model of commission in all schemes, without payment of any upfront commission or upfronting of any trail commission, directly or indirectly, in cash or kind, through sponsorships, or any other route. The table provides the information about the commissions paid to Financial Radiance. Kindly do note that these are approximate commissions which are determined by the AMCs every quarter and communicated to us. These are paid by the AMCs to us, based on average daily AUM, on a monthly basis. So, our earnings vary depending on the performance of the funds recommended by us. Better the performance, better the earnings for us, therefore a win-win situation both for our clients and us. Similarly, whenever the funds’ performance is not good, our earnings also get impacted. We also confirm that we are ethical and we would not be rebating or passing back the commissions to our investors.

Illustration of commission structure


Mutual Fund

How Paid




Debt Funds


0.30% to 0.75%

Paid out of Portfolio Expenses charged by the AMC which are capped as per SEBI regulations. The net NAV announced by the Fund under its regular plan is less of such charges taken on a weekly average valuation of the portfolio assets.

If you would like to know the commissions paid for any scheme to us, then please click this link. https://bit.ly/fr-commissions. If prompted for a password for opening any document, it will be ARN117902. In case, any scheme you are looking for, is not listed, please get in touch with us.


Equity Funds


0.40% to 1.00%


Hybrid Funds


0.40% to 1.1%


Liquid Funds


0.03% to 0.10%

Along with mutual fund distribution, we also provide term insurance. We also have tie-ups with various other organizations for health insurance, general insurance, all types of loans, global investing, immigration consultancy and investments retrieval company. These are the companies we trust, and for us to be a one-shop provider of financial services and to be a value add for our clients, we have added these services. These are referral-based commissions which we get from them (therefore no additional costs to all clients) and there is no obligation for any of our clients to take these services if they are not interested.

So, to summarize, our revenue model is of only getting the commissions from the AMCs and from the various companies with whom we have tie-ups. We do not charge advisory, transaction or any fees from our clients. In case you need any clarification or wish to understand more on our model, please feel free to contact us over email or phone.

You may also want to read the standard Disclaimer statement applicable for all Mutual Fund Distributors.