Financial Radiance is a catalyst to help you keep monetary matters on track and provide unbiased support. While you continue to focus on other pressing commitments like work, children’s education, following passions and taking care of elderly at home, we provide support to help you achieve your financial freedom.
We follow a very holistic and a structured approach for each of our clients. We have a detailed framework wherein we understand the objectives, suitability profile, time horizons and emotional anchors of our clients. We provide right perspective and expectations, and then arrive at optimal solutions.
The process of implementation is seamless with minimal documentation. For tracking of investments, the clients are provided with a website login and an App (available on both IOS & Android) wherein portfolio valuation happens on a daily basis along with the availability of various reports such as Portfolio Summary, Capital Gains etc.
Seamless investment implementation reduces the operational work and provides us the opportunity to work on more value-added services like interacting with clients on their investments, suitability, insurance needs, portfolio reviews, research etc. Financial Radiance also provides advice on all operational matters like PAN, KYC, bank account type etc.